Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Total Recall - Trailer

I decided to check out some movie trailers while trying to stay up over 24hrs to throw my body back into a day schedule instead of a night one.  Probably wasn't one of my best ideas... but I did stumble across this guy.  Total Recall (remake).  I'm not one to jump for joy when someone decides to do a remake but I have high hopes for this one.  It definitely has a different feel than the original and they couldn't have chosen someone so opposite from Arnold than Colin Farrell.  I'll be keeping my eye out for this one when it hits theaters August 3rd.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Sound of my voice - Trailer

So this morning I was perusing the Apple Trailers site; if you don't know it you should.  I stumbled upon this trailer.  With this weird fascination for Indie films it seems like it could be kind of interesting.  It has this raw feel to it kind of reminding me of Another Earth (watch it!).  After reading the premise and watching the trailer I'll be putting this one on my too watch list.  Good ol' Sundance knows how to pick them.

Copyright © 2012 Fox Searchlight Pictures

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Movie Review - John Carter

John Carter (Walt Disney Pictures)

As my first movie review ever I’ve decided to give you a little insight on a movie I have already seen twice; John Carter.  Let me just say it is hardly the epic fail that many critics have claimed it to be.  Granted it had some problem moments but overall it was a very entertaining and visual stunning movie to watch, especially in 3D.  I was very pleasantly surprised with this adaptation.  Being an avid scifi/fantasy reader I had read Edgar Rice Burrows Princess of Mars, which ultimately gave me a better grasp of whose who in the Barsoom (Mars) world than most watchers.  But don't let the massive new world of Mars differ you from seeing this film.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Why this blog?

Well, it is time to take on another endeavor! I’ve always been passionate about movies its one of the reasons why I went and got a media degree.  As a teen I would rather drive 40mins to the nearest theater with my best friend to do a movie double-header than go out “partying” like most in my high school.  I would (and still do) spend endless hours online watching movie trailers, reading up on in-development movies, and searching for descent movie reviews.  My likes tend to drift more towards the scifi/fantasy, action, and suspense/thriller genres.  But I’m willing to watch anything once since sometimes I find a diamond in the rough worth spreading the word about.

So why a review blog when there are tons of them out there already?  I find that most movie reviews I read are at times too judgmental and I tend to disagree with those reviewers.  I’ve never been able to find the right critic that I want to avidly follow.  Everyone’s opinions different I get that; I just know there are people out there with similar views as me.  So, with all the movies I watch; both in theaters and on DVD I thought it was time to take the plunge and start my own review blog.

Trust me I’ve seen my fair share of horrible and amazing movies alike; but I’ve always been drawn to the entertainment factor.  Whether it be the movies cinematography, story, characters, or visual effects its all about the entertainment; some of it is good...some bad....  And that's were my journey has taken me.  To provide to you the reader the best and sometimes worst movies out there.  My goal with this blog is to find what’s worth your money and time to see in theater or if you should just wait for its DVD release.  Follow to find out.

Let the movie quest begin!